Where have all the good men gone?"We know that "Nice Guys" tend to end up in the dreaded "Just Be Friends Zone". But that doesn't stop women everywhere from claiming that's what they really want in a man. So what's the deal here?As often seems to be the case, the true answer is a disarmingly simple one. "Nice" behavior by a man in and of itself is not what differentiates "keepers" from the "rejects" in the minds of women. To the contrary, it's all about HOW the man presents himself.Make no mistake, it's not necessarily the I/Js (Idiot/Jerks) who get women-ESPECIALLY the highest echelon of women. Being "good" or "bad" in and of itself is NOT the key, despite what you may have heard elsewhere. In fact, being a "bad boy" is at best a quick-fix for getting some women...any women who'll take him, as long as she's "hot".Whether they are "good" or "bad", it is my informed and therefore strong opinion that guys rarely if ever get tossed into the "friendship" pile if they have succeeded in any way, shape or form at creating ATTRACTION. Sure, there's the rare instance when a truly sharp woman recognizes that a guy is flat-out no good for her despite her overpowering desire for him, but let's face it-that wasn't a GOOD MAN she was dealing with anyway. And you know by now that we LOVE truly sharp women around here.So here it is: The difference between a genuinely good man who ATTRACTS women and one who ultimately does not is centered around from what position he is coming from in performing his "good guy" behavior. Men who act "nice" from a position of WEAKNESS end up rejected. Men who are in a position of STRENGTH, yet who treat women well often make women so crazy for them that they have more options than they can handle.As always, I'm happy to break it down for you. Here are some key differentiators between "nice guys" who finish first and those who...well...don't.THE NICE GUY WHO FINISHES LAST (Having Come From A Position Of Weakness)...1) ...Capitulates To Women's Whims. "Yes Dear." "Whatever you want, honey". Men only say this to avoid conflict (at best) or (at worst) because they pathetically think that their efforts will somehow impress a woman. Women smell insincerity a mile away. Sorry.2) ...Is Afraid To Lose The Woman He Is With. Therefore, they literally bend over backwards not to "upset" her or say the wrong thing. Despite the obvious desperation involved here, arguably the most unattractive aspect of all this to a woman is how BORING it is.3) ...Has Zero Leadership Ability. Guys often hear that "if Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy". So the thought process is geared toward letting them make decisions and letting them get what they want. Unfortunately, women have a level of respect for a man that correlates to his level of leadership in a relationship. Zero leadership equals zero respect...which, logically, equals zero second dates.4) ...Lacks Confidence. If you are worried she won't like you she probably won't. And similarly, if you act "nice" because you haven't the courage to stand up for yourself, she'll likely walk all over you...disgusted by every second of it.5) ...Has Thinly-Veiled Ulterior Motives. Nobody likes to be "brown nosed" or "buttered up". There is no more blatant display of viewing a woman as a purely sexual object than to go overboard being "nice". She knows, you know and the rest of the world knows you wouldn't be so "nice" if she wasn't so sexy. Consider how weak this appears to a woman. End of story.Meanwhile,THE GOOD MAN WHO WINS (Having Come From A Position Of Strength)...1) ...Treats ALL WOMEN Well, Regardless Of Sexual Attractiveness. Guys, take this test for yourself: Do you open doors for ALL women, or only for the ones who look good. If the latter, don't be so shocked that your dates slot you in the JBF zone so much. Your "nice" behavior is all about manipulating women into giving you what you need. Start appreciating women more genuinely, and you will begin to be more genuinely appreciated. Is this really so difficult to get?2) ...Is Not Focused On "Getting Some". Sex-starved men stay hungry. Men without pressing sexual needs cause women to feel more comfortable in their presence. Ironically, women who are comfortable around a man are more attracted...and ultimately more sexual. So the pattern operates.3) ...Takes Charge. Such a man does not sheepishly ask a woman her preference and thereby let her dictate the flow of a date. A Good Man has paid attention and learned what makes the woman tick. When the date comes, he has the plan completely handled. At the end of the evening, the woman is often flabbergasted at how "perfect" her evening full of surprises was. But the Good Man with leadership ability knows it was all no accident.4) ...Has Options. Therefore, he succeeds in causing the woman he is with feel to particularly valuable and special. She views herself as the "winner", and rightly so. Other women want this guy, but she is with him. That feeling is a good one to have. If a man can inspire a woman to feel valuable OR special he's on the right track, but getting both right is an unbeatable combination. By the way, contrast this scenario with the weak man's cavalcade of compliments and/or gifts designed to help him somehow manipulate a woman's attraction.5) ...Has High Standards. This means the man is EVALUATING the woman he is with rather than attempting to impress her. He has complete control over his dating life, and as a good man is confident enough in his character to realize that women worth his time and effort will recognize that and be impressed without his having to press the issue.Once again, men have been brainwashed in this culture into believing that all male behavior is bad behavior. Yet, women continue to seek out real men. The tragedy is that most men have either given up on being good men entirely and gone to the I/J "dark side", or they wallow around in an asexual virtual mudpit of being too "nice". Either way, the casualty is that magically gallant true masculinity that women STARVE for.Come on, guys...get it figured out and go get the amazing woman you deserve. Ladies, keep the candle burning. We're busy around here building the population of real men for you. Will you be ready when you finally meet one?   CLick on Where have all the good men gone?" for more information.
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The blood parrot cichlid should not be confused with the parrot cichlid (Hoplarchus psittacus). Blood parrot cichlids have no binomial nomenclature (scientific designation) to identify them by. Nor do they have a natural habitat. Why, you may ask? Blood parrots are a man-made hybrid. They are, in fact, one of the only two fish species found within the Exotic-Aquariums Fish Care and Breeding Guide entirely of man-made origins. Although their parental lineage was never documented and remains shrouded in mystery, the blood parrot was first created in Taiwanaround 1986. Prevalent speculation points to the following cichlid species as the potential candidates of parental origins; the redhead cichlid (Cichlasoma synspilum) and the Midas cichlid (Amphilophus citrinellus) or a coupling between the red devil cichlid (Amphilophus labiatus) and the severum (Heros severus). Despite the fact that all of the aforementioned species are native to either Central or South America, the blood parrot is considered an Asian cichlid because of the geographical location of its hybridization.Regardless of point of origin or parental ancestry, blood parrot cichlids have stirred up almost as much controversy as their man-made counterparts, the glofish. Unlike the glofish, blood parrots are a product of selective breeding rather than genetic manipulation. As such they have not banned for sale in most countries as a genetically engineered species. The subject of controversy revolves around the anatomical deformities inherent in the hybridization of this previously nonexistent subspecies.Perhaps the most physically detrimental deformity relates to the hybrid's narrow, beak-like mouth. Its vertical mouth opening makes it hard for the fish to feed and leaves it vulnerable to possible starvation. Blood parrots compensate for this deformity by using their throat muscles to finish pulverizing their food. Additional deformities include malformed swim bladders which result in erratic swimming patterns, unnaturally large often misshapen irises and deformed spinal columns that contribute to the fish's unique shape. To add further fuel to the controversy, many breeders inject the fish with colored dyes to increase the intensity and diversity of its color palette and enhance its overall marketability marketing them under the trade name Bubblegum Parrot. This same practice was also used to transform Indian glassfish into the once very popular Disco fish. The dying of fish for commercial resale is detrimental to the fish's health and frequently shortens their life expectancy. Practical Fishkeeping has been instrumental in exposing these practices to the general public. As a result many fish stores and online retailers no longer stock the modified variations of these fish.Although blood parrots were a product of the 80s they were not widely available in pet shops until 2000. Many avid fish enthusiasts were opposed to the sale of these creatures on ethical grounds due to the inherent deformities resulting form their creation. Fish stores who stocked these hybrids were even boycotted. Said boycotts only met with limited success. Some store owners simply cannot afford not to carry this inventory because of the high price tag they fetch. Ethical principles and genetic deformities aside, blood parrots frequently live to 10 years and have been reported to live as long as 15 years of age.If you are not ethically opposed to owning a blood parrot then you should be aware that this is one of the larger cichlids. Blood parrots commonly grow 8-10 inches in length. A single fish will require a minimum aquarium size of 50 gallons. When kept as a community fish, you will need a substantially larger tank. Care should be exercised when choosing their tank mates. Blood parrots should not be housed with large aggressive fish. They should not be forced to compete for food or turf in a community setting. Angelfish, catfish, danios and larger variety tetras make suitable tank mates.Blood parrots should be provided with ample room and adequate hiding places so that they can establish their own territorial boundaries. Drift wood, rock work and larger aquarium decor are excellent options. Like many cichlids, these fish are prone to dig up gravel. Choosing a smaller, less course substrate is recommended. These fish tend to function best under subdued lighting. This is attributed to iris irregularities inherent in their breeding.South American cichlids prefer soft water environments with a ph balance around 6.8. Water temperature should be maintained between 78-86 °F. Lower temperature ranges could result in a loss of coloration.The blood parrot is an omnivorous cichlid. They will readily accept a wide variety of foods. They are more adept at consuming sinking rather than floating food offerings. Standard food fare can be supplemented with bloodworms and brine shrimp. Commercial products high in b-carotene and canthaxanthin will help enhance and maintain their coloration. These fish are voracious eaters. They are known for generating a large amount of uneaten food debris in a short period of time. A good filtration system combined with frequent water changes and substrate maintenance is a must to keep nitrate levels in check.Breeding Blood Parrot CichlidsAlthough Parrots have been known to mate and even lay eggs, generally they are infertile. Male blood parrots are typically infertile. There have been sporatic cases of successful spawnings, generally when they have been crossed with a non-hybrid fish.. The use of a non-hybridized males will increase your rate of success. In commercial breeding, males are injected with hormones to increase fertility rates. Like other cichlids, Blood Parrots will tend the eggs and resulting fry fastidiously. As with any eggs, those that are infertile will turn white and rapidly fungus. The parents will eat infertile eggs to prevent them from spreading fungus to the fertile eggs.Once the eggs hatch, daily water changes of 25% are critical to ensure the health of the fry. Fresh baby brine shrimp are the optimum food during the first couple of weeks. Often pet shops will carry frozen baby brine shrimp, which can also be used. As they fry grow, they can be weaned to finely crushed flake food. Checkout more on African cichlids care.
Choosing the right personal injury lawyer may be one of the most important things that you will ever do. If you want to win your case, either as a defense or to win damages, you need to have the right personal injury lawyer fighting by your side. So how do you choose the personal injury lawyer? In order to find the personal injury lawyer you need to ask around. The personal injury lawyer that you choose should have years of good experience behind him or her. You cannot afford to choose a lawyer that does not know what they are doing. You need to make sure that your lawyer has a proven track record of good quality work. Their clients need to win their cases if you want to. If you know someone who has worked successfully with a personal injury lawyer in the past you should ask about this lawyer. Get in touch with the personal injury lawyer and see what you think. Perhaps this could be the guy that will get you what you deserve. This is one of the best ways to hire a personal injury lawyer because this way you have information from someone you trust about the lawyer. Your friend will be able to vouch for the quality work they got from this particular personal injury lawyer. Not all personal injury lawyers are good at what they do. There are plenty of them who will not perform as they promise and it is your job to find out which of these personal injury lawyers are good and which are full of hot air. You need to choose the personal injury lawyer that will give you exactly what you need when you hire them. If you have been hurt in an accident and that accident was not your fault then you deserve to get compensation for it. If you have been unable to work and support yourself or your family then you need to get money to make up for this loss. Unfortunately the only way to get this money in most cases, is to hire a good personal injury lawyer to fight for you and sue those responsible for the accident that hurt you in the first place. A personal injury lawyer can make the difference between your family being able to eat each day and them starving. If you are ready to take control of the terrible situation that you have found yourself in then you need tog et out there and find yourself a good personal injury lawyer today. Without a personal injury lawyer you will not get the money or the settlement that you need to get in order to keep your family taken care of. A personal injury lawyer can be a godsend, all you have to do is make sure that you choose a good one. Remember to talk to people who have worked with any personal injury lawyer that you are considering. This will help you to make a good final decision concerning whether or not this personal injury lawyer is for you.Explore more on Atlanta personal injury lawyer.
A long time ago, Sex Toys where considered something to be ashamed of, you would never tell your friend or even your partner but slowly over time they have been accepted into society and are becoming more and more popular. With the Wide variety of adult toys and the fast pace world of technology changing every day, there seems to be always a new toy on the horizon.Of course it can be quite difficult when you are with a partner and looking to bring sex toys into the relationship, some people can be quite touchy about the subject, some men consider it an insult like they are no longer needed. The truth is that sex toys bring couples closer together and help relationships last longer, some are designed so both people are involved in the action and not just one person is receiving all the fun.But it can be quite daunting on the huge range available and what is suitable for you and your partner can take longer to figure out then you think! but buying toys that will be used with you and your partner is something that requires research and experimenting, you may find many products that don't suit you but this is normal as everyone is different. It is well documented that most vibrating adult toys tend to work well together, things like rabbit vibrators, vibrating bullets and a new product that has just been released is the we-vibe which is designed to work with both people during sex. More and more couples toys are being created everyday because there is such a demand for toys.More money is being spent on adult sex toys every day then most other industries and yet it is still considered a problem to talk about, it is still not socially acceptable in conversation in broad general environments such as at the dinner table or out while having drinks with friends, but you will find even your closest friends have adult toys that have never told you about, you could say keeping it quiet about your toys makes the experience better but if everyone where to talk openly about the subject there would be little trial and error and only the best toys would be available making it easier to understand "whats hot and whats not"Originally sex toys where developed for a single user and where never thought of that they where to be used together, the dildo was one of the first adult toys to be created then from that it slowly became an all women's industry making all different kinds of toys for women and hardly anything for men then toys like the fleshlight was created which is a fake mouth/vagina/anus designed for sex for men, it has become a revolution with hundreds of thousands being sold all over the world. Although there may be many different toys available some are not designed just for pleasure, the cock ring is made so the male can last longer in order to please the female, so there are other reasons to purchase an adult toy.If you are in a relationship or single it is OK to own a sex toy, it is something that will help with self esteem and relaxation thus helping with every day life. If you haven't got your toy yet, grab one now! 
Fitness centers often have the same basic rules with slight differences that apply to certain specific factors that may have some effect. These guidelines are kept in place to ensure safety for the member as well as for the establishment. Many of the gyms require their members to comply with the regulations to be able to enter and use the facilities.Health and SafetyOne of the foremost things that are required from the member or prospective member is to have a general check up with the in house doctor before undergoing any exercises or entering any programs. In some cases where the facility has no in house doctor, a certificate from a qualified doctor is required. This is to ensure that the right kind of exercise program will be given to the right individual. The health and safety of the member is foremost with gyms so they need to know what suits the member. When the physical state of the member has been established, the rules and regulations are given to him or her for perusal.The proper use of the equipment and amenities are often highlighted to new members in order to let them know how these are to be used. Fitness centers with amenities often request their members to extend common courtesy to the following member show may want to use them by wiping off any residual sweat or cleaning up after each use. Sometimes the presence of people who are not members of the place is also disallowed as this can distract those who are concentrating in their programs. Children are usually not allowed to stay inside the establishment with their parents due to safety concerns.PresentationIndividuals who are part of the gym are usually briefed about what attire is appropriate for the facility. Decent clothes are often requested by the establishments to ensure that there is no malice or illicit goings on which may be spurred by indecent attire. Exposing the upper body, both by male and female individuals is frowned upon and may cause the member's attention to be called. Casual clothing which may not coincide with the ideal of fitness centers is usually not allowed. Shoes with socks are required as well unless specific aerobic exercises specify otherwise. Some establishments may disallow entrance when they are not satisfied with the member's attire.Personal hygiene is another issue that fitness centers are often a stickler at. The use of showers, saunas, and other amenities are often include din a gym membership but house rules often dictate that these be cleaned well after use and used in an appropriate way.